Seth Godin writes here today about the death of standard methods of presenting, as a result of the possibility the internet provides for talking to individual as individuals.
The old ways of conveying information by standing up in front of a group and talking are over:
Speech is both linear and unpaceable. You can’t skip around and you can’t speed it up. When the speaker covers something you know, you are bored. When he quickly covers something you don’t understand, you are lost
Because of the internet and the resources for discovering and learning it gives, the 'old ways' just don't cut it anymore.
This applies to everyone.
For agencies who are looking to employ grads, it means that they have to look to new ways to talk to students in a relevant way - glossy A4 brochures ain't good enough I'm afraid in my opinion.
Corporate websites where you send you cv and hope for the best are wasting the opportunities for interactivity and relationship building the internet offers.
But it's not all one-sided - something I have learnt (the hard way) this year is you are the one who wants to work for them.
You need to look at how to connect with them - and writing the world's best cv (even if none of it is exaggerated) and making sure everything is spelt right is important, but it's now a given.
What resources can you exploit? Where can you look? On the left are some places to start, some sites that I look at and find useful. Search through the millions of blogs on Google Blog Search here.
I really want to hear what you have found, what is useful, or interesting then I can develop Open House further.